OLMC offers CYO Co-Ed soccer for Grades 4-8. Soccer season runs through CYO in the spring and has proven to be very competitive. Home matches are played at the OLMC athletic fields and away matches are located around the greater Indianapolis area.
*Teams typically practice 2-3X per week and play apprx. 1 game per week. Total committment is apprx. 4-5 hours per week.
Registration Deadline: March 20th 2023
Games begin the in late March/Early April 2023
North Deanery Soccer League
OLMC/St. Maria Goretti/St. Elizabeth Ann Seton/St. Louis De Montford
*Teams practice 1-2X per week with most games taking place on Saturday mornings. Total time committement is apprx. 3 hours per week.
PreK-KG grades (U6)- ages 4 and 5
1st-2nd grades(U8) ages 6 and 7
3rd Graders-(U10)
Cost: $90- includes a jersey and socks
Registration Deadline: March 20th
Please contact Bob Knapp for details and if you are willing to coach!
Tentative Schedule:
Coach's Meeting: April 4th- 6pm in the school
Practices Begin: Early April
Please sign up using our online registration system-www.orgsonline.com